CPC - Caspian Policy Center


Upcoming Elections in Kazakhstan: Realities and Opportunities

Upcoming Elections in Kazakhstan: Realities and Opportunities


1015 15th St NW, 11th floor conference room 


When the period for nomination of candidates closed in October, Kazakhstan entered the presidential election campaign period from October 21 to November 18, 2022. The January events at the beginning of this year, or ‘Tragic January,’ in multiple regions of Kazakhstan have shaken and tested the system of law and order with its organized violence and destruction. Earlier in September, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, announced new constitutional amendments and snap presidential elections, with the updated presidential mandate limited to one term of seven years without the right to be re-elected.  He said that the new presidential system would strengthen Kazakhstan’s political stability and social structure. All institutional changes envisioned by the constitutional reforms are to be legally completed by the end of this year.

On November 17, the Caspian Policy Center is proud to host regional experts and policy officials to share and exchange valuable insights on the historical and future constitutional path, current realities, and opportunities for Kazakhstan.


RSVP to [email protected]


12:00 pm - 12:30 pm       Lunch 
2:30 pm – 12:35 pm        Opening Remarks 
  • - Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center 


12:35 pm – 12:50 pm      Moderator Remarks 

  • - Amb. (ret.) Richard E. Hoagland 


12:50 pm – 1:10 pm       Speakers 

  •  -Eugene Chausovsky, Senior Analyst, New Lines Institute  

  • - Gavin Helf, Senior Expert on Central Asia, United States Institute of Peace  

  • - Sergei Gretsky, Academic Director, Foreign Policy Academy, Georgetown University, and Lecturer, Catholic University 

  • - William Courtney, Adjunct Senior Fellow, RAND Corporation 

  • - Wilder Alejandro Sanchez, President of Second Floor Strategies, Analyst 


1:10 pm – 1:25 pm      Moderated Discussion and Q&A 


1:25 pm – 1:30 pm      Closing Remarks 

  • - Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center 


RSVP to [email protected]