CPC - Caspian Policy Center


Caspian Energy Security Conference

Caspian Energy Security Conference

As the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nears, it is more imperative than ever for international leaders to meet to develop strategies to make countries more resilient to shocks and ensure critical energy supplies from diverse sources. The UK Government has announced a global London Energy Security Conference for next Spring.


In preparation for this and other international high-level meetings the Caspian Policy Center (CPC) will hold its own Caspian Energy Security Conference in London on November 21, 2023. This event will serve as a platform bringing together prominent voices from the UK Government, Caspian countries, and high-level representation from international organisations and energy companies. It has never been more important for the international community to work together on energy diversification in the Caspian Region.


Location: 6 Temple Place, London, United Kingdom, WC2R 2PG, United Kingdom




9:00 -9:30 —Registration


Panel 1 – Strategic Energy Cooperation: UK and the Caspian


9:30 - 10:20

Energy market volatility, supply chain disruptions, and deep fractures in global geopolitics have increased trade barriers and heightened geopolitical risks. As the UK government and energy companies adapt to these new market realities, the UK has emphasized the importance of the Caspian Region for European energy security. This panel will discuss how the UK and the Caspian Region can map a sustainable path forward, areas of investment opportunities, and how international partners can cooperate toward a mutually beneficial and more energy-secure future for all.


9:30 9:35      Welcome Remarks   

  • - Efgan Nifti, CEO, Caspian Policy Center


9:35 10:20.    Keynote Remarks: Tim Stern, International Energy Director, Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO)


  Moderator: David Moran, UK Adviser, Caspian Policy Center (CPC)


  • - Elin Suleymanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the UK
  • - Sofio Katsarava, Ambassador of Georgia to the UK
  • - Ulan Djusupov, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to the UK
  • - Osman Koray Ertaş, Ambasador of Türkiye to the UK
  • Ravshan Usmanov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the UK
  • - Ruslan Karabulov, Counsellor, Embassy of Kazakhstan to the UK


10:20 10:35 Coffee Break


Panel 2 – UK and Caspian Perspectives on Energy Security challenges, possible regional responses, and ways to support the development of the Middle Corridor


10:35 - 11:25


The impact of geopolitical conflicts have challenged traditional supply lines, pushed political risks to new heights, and prompted new trade barriers. As governments reposition their climate ambitions in line with net-zero emission targets and companies navigate the changing energy landscape, the Caspian region has become an area of increasing economic and political opportunity and immense energy potential. The European Union, EBRD and World Bank continue to actively champion Caspian regional connectivity and promote international investment in Middle Corridor infrastructure to boost energy supplies, ease logistical constraints and facilitate regional integration. UK Ministers are keen to strengthen strategic partnerships in the Caspian and collaborate on development of the Middle Corridor.


This panel of geostrategic experts, senior corporate representatives from the UK and the Caspian Region, and international organisations will provide an energy security stocktake, discuss how the Caspian transit routes can ease current energy security challenges in the region and Europe, and what will be required to deliver substantial Middle Corridor infrastructure investment.


10:35 11:25     Panel Discussion


Moderator: Dr. Nigel Gould-Davies, Senior Fellow for Russia and Eurasia, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)


  • - John Roberts, Energy Security Specialist
  • - Ekaterina Miroshnik, Director, Head of Infrastructure-Eurasia Team, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • - Campbell Keir, President, Energy Industries Council


11:25 11:40      Coffee Break


Panel 3 – How to Achieve Sustainable, Affordable, and Secure Energy Transition?


11:40 - 12:30


It’s clear from scientific evidence and the devastating impact of climate change and extreme weather that the world has to take urgent action to keep average global temperature rises under control. The Paris Agreement and Glasgow Pact provide the frameworks for action. In recent years the UK reformed its energy policy framework, placing climate action and energy transitions front and center in its diplomacy.


The Caspian Region’s vast reserves of traditional energy sources will continue to help international energy markets to meet rising demand. However, there’s no escaping the urgency to move away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy. To meet net zero targets the energy transition has to happen at least five times faster than at present. The potential to develop the renewable energy sector in Caspian countries is great, but the region faces several challenges in scaling up, strengthening and connecting energy grids and ensuring that the transition is sustainable and managed in a way that citizens find affordable and just. In many parts of the world progress in ramping up clean energy has been surprisingly swift. But emissions are still rising quickly and dangerously.


This panel of energy and climate experts and senior business representatives will address how the Caspian Region can navigate this complex energy transition which meets demands, strengthens energy resilience, while benefiting from investments that will provide new sustainable jobs and help Central Asia and the South Caucasus countries achieve their net zero carbon emission targets.


11:40 12:30      Panel Discussion


Moderator: Dr. Eric Rudenshiold, Advisory Board Member, Caspian Policy Center (CPC)


  • - Aida Sitdikova, Director of Energy Eurasia, Middle East, and Africa, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • - Dr. John Murton CMG, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Standard Chartered Bank
  • - Eugene Seah, Chief Operations Officer, Port of Baku
  • - Barış Altıparmak, General Director, Kolin Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Representative of the World Turkish Business Council (DTIK)


12:30 13:30      Lunch


